Thursday, December 30, 2010

Interview with Ram sir in slashprog

/today time at 5.30 interview with Ram sir bhea technologies (M.D) in our office
slashprog ..its such a nice experience he talking about the various technologies

and office timings and working culture finally they selected me yogesh and satya

also selected. we are decided to move bangalore they called to join and report

on monday ..

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PHP array functions

today myblog

date 29/12/2010

today i learning array functions in php






the output for the above programme is ---->

Array ( [NAME] => john [AGE] => 25 [CITY] => mumbai )

              this array function will taking this arguments as first array treating as array keys and the second array treated as values
                 so automatically the output will get an associative array







the output for the above code is
Array ( [name] => john [age] => 25 [city] => chennai )


 this function will combine and merge the two arrays







output for the above code is

Array ( [name] => john [city] => chennai [age] => 25 [class] => students )


this function returns the same values how many times appeared in that array





output for the above program is

Array ( [city] => 2 [chennai] => 3 [welcome] => 2 [resource] => 2 [gandhi] => 1 [freedom] => 1 )


      this array function comparises two arrays and it eliminates the same values in both array and prints the odd values







output for the above programme is

                    Array ( [3] => source )


                    in this array function it will intersect the both array keys and eliminates them and print the odd keys  first argument array key values

$array1 = array('blue'  => 1, 'red'  => 2, 'green'  => 3, 'purple' => 4);
$array2 = array('green' => 5, 'blue' => 6, 'yellow' => 7, 'cyan'   => 8);

print_r(array_diff_key($array2, $array1));



                Array ( [yellow] => 7 [cyan] => 8 )


                this function will fills the key values to the array keys





                       Array ( [name] => onions [school] => onions [welcome] => onions )


               this function fills insert values into the arrays


              this function returns the values as keys and keys as values  funny interesting thing to change  the keys and values







           Array ( [kiran] => name [25] => age [chennai] => city )


              this function intersects both the arrays and it will print the common elements in both the arrays







output of the code

              Array ( [z] => 65 )


$array1 = array('blue'  => 1, 'red'  => 2, 'green'  => 3, 'purple' => 4);
$array2 = array('green' => 5, 'blue' => 6, 'yellow' => 7, 'cyan'   => 8);

print_r(array_intersect_key($array1, $array2));

output for the code is

         Array ( [blue] => 1 [green] => 3 )

            this function returns the intersection of both the arrays

                this code will check whether the key exists or not in the programme



     echo "find in the array";
   echo "not found in the array";

    output :=  find in the array

             it will print the array keys



function scope($x)






the above code represents the array_map it getting the value from the array and pass it to another array for calucalting the function

output is
    Array ( [0] => 64 [1] => 125 [2] => 512 [3] => 729 )

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tuesday                                                    PHP          
Intro to php

Php is a server side scripting language most of the websites nowadays developing using php because it is free and open source it is major tough competition to and java it has lot of inbuilt features for creating dynamic web applications it will be very helpful now maximum share of the websites in the world using php scripting and  apache webserver because of its simplicity of code and extraordinary features of having it .acronym for php is “hypertext-preprocessor”

It is compatibility with all database servers mysql,sqlite,postgresql ,oracle and more

Syntax of php

              There are 4 ways of syntax declaring php are

   <?php  ?>

   <%    %>

  <script language=”php”>

   <?            ?>
Installation of php on windows

For developing web applications we need one server side scripting language and one  database server and the operating system whatever it may be and the webserver is apache or IIS whatever it may be

                   If you go through the xampp pack we get a bundled pack of  compenents:


So the developers need not worry about the installation of xampp pack in windows

Just download the xampp pack in and select for windows and just save it in which drive you want

   C:/ and then change directory to xampp

After installing the xampp stack in windows u get a control panel of xampp stack just open and click the mysql and apache u enable and click start button to enable mysql and apache server
And then later

Open the firefox type this  http://localhost

You get the xampp stack web appearance in your firefox desktop

Open the notepad and type the small snippet of code save it your own filename and .php with extension



Save the php files in C:/xampp/htdocs/(“filename.php”)

And later check in the firefox of output of our programme just type the url location  http://localhost/(“yourfilename.php”)

Above programme shows the output of php version and php information in the server
Php in Ubuntu

Download the lamp stack from and extract the tar file in

tar –xvzf  (latest version of lamp stack.gz file) –C /opt

u get a folder called lampp and as usual normal u go and type the code in normal note pad and save it in  filesystem/var/www with .php extension

if u not have permission to write any files to that folder

sudo chmod 777 –R /var/www

it will give write permission to that particular folder in /var file system

run the code in browser http://localhost/(filename.php)

Getting started with php

php has 4 data types of variables they are

1)    scalar

2)    compound type
3)special data type

Scalar data types are
Compound date types
Special data types

First exercise in php



      Normally php variables started with $symbol the above code output wil displays the browser information of which browser we using currently

Arrays in php

              Php have 3 types of arrays they are
                  1)Numeric array

                 2)Associative array

                 3)Multidimensional array

1)Numeric array

           It is ordinary array just we declaring the array values as usual in other languages example

         $myarr = array(‘chennai’,’mumbai’,’calcutta’,’delhi’);

        echo  $myarr[0]
        echo  $myarr[1];

        echo  $myarr[2];


The above code represents we declaring the variable $myarr and assigning the values of city names chennai,mumbai,calcutta and delhi

And printing the values of  the variable $myarr[] and the position of the array

The output for the above programe is Chennai,Mumbai,calcutta

2)Associative array

                    In this array we assign the key values to them



                     echo  $myarr[‘sachin’] ;
                     echo  $myarr[‘sehwag’];

                     echo  $myarr[‘talent’];


We assign the key values to the above variable in $myarr we will get the output  45,75 and ap

3)Multidimensional Array

  We declare array within array is called multidimensional array php has nice feature of this




                       echo  $myarr[‘john’][‘family’];

                       echo  $myarr[‘john’][‘age’];
                          echo  $myarr[‘john’][‘code’]; 

                         echo  $myarr[‘smith’][‘code’]; 

                          echo  $myarr[‘smith’][‘name’]; 

The above programme output is Chennai,32 ,45,23,school

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Rails session

25/12/2010  --saturday

today we celebrate christmas in our office and we cut the cake and celebrate lots of fun in our office

today our guru chandrashekar sir told the introduction to rails

rails features

today our sir told class responsibilites colloborators

crc (vs) data flow diagram

sir told the difference between them

to generate a model in rails

                rails generate model user

name:string        email:string  password:string

to check the db
                     less config | database.yml

rake db:migrate

to check db exists (or) not

                 rails dbconsole

rails 3 has an inbuilt nice feature of "sqlite" light weighted database

sqlite> .tables           this command will show the list of all tables

sqlite>.schema users      to see the users structure

sqlite>.quit --------> to quit the sqlite

to start a server
                       rails server

another terminal
                               cd rails  again cd tu

like Irb rails console


the above lines stating that creating a new user and assigning a password and email id
and save the rails application

another terminal
                         to show rails console
               SELECT *from users

                SELECT *from users

 users=users.find:all        //it will find all records





vi app/models/user.rb

class User<activeRecord ::Base



and sir also told  guides to ruby on rails

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



today i getting started with jQuery is an javascript library is simple light weight and more elegant ...we can do more customization becuase its is fully open source we can animate and navigate the objects and play
around with them

Steps to install jQuery

   download the latest version of the jquery from jquery website

   just click the download button u will get a javascript huge code just
 right  the mouse and save the page as jquery.js for our convenience we can save it anywhere the file in desktop or file system where it may be

Getting started with jQuery

          just open the notepad or vi editor or gedit  declare html tags
head,body,and all

in the script tag you specify the source "jquery.js"

jQuery is easy to learn just knowing of Html and javascript and css basics is enough

<script type ="text/javscript" src="jquery.js">

My First programme in jQuery



<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">








<p>If you click this sentence this will disappear </p>



Thursday, December 16, 2010


Rails is a web based framework it running on the top of the ruby....the developer need not worry about the code its simple and easy to create
the web based applications

Rails components

              1) Action pack
                     a)Action Controller
                     b)Action Dispatch
                     c)Action View
              2)Action Mailer
              3)Active Model
              4) Active Record
              5)Active Resource
              6)Active Support

MVC:---Model , View and Controller
          what it does ?

               M----> the part of the application it interacts with DBMS(oracle,mysql,postgresql,sqlite,sybase,informix,etc..)
                      persistent data is accessed 
               V---->view is the part of the application it paints and designs the screen it shows the output of how we look and feel
                     of the design

               C---->controller it acts as an interface between the model and view it acts as a bridge between by controlling the model
                     and viewing the application

REST based architecture

                  REST means Representational State Transfer architecture it is the new method of the architecture we accesing the elements

                  through the URI(Uniform Resource Identifier) or URL(Uniform Resource Locator) through this method we can access the files

                  through direct URL 

                      FOR example http://localhost:3000/posts.xml  it displays the xml format of our data

                                  http://localhost:3000/posts.html it displays the html format of our data

To create a new project in Rails

                               rails new myblog
                               we telling this command to rails starting new project using the keyword new the project name is myblog

                               it creates the directory called myblog

                               we can see all the switches using the rails-h command

                               cd myblog --change directory to myblog

                   student@student:~$ cd myblog

                   student@student:~/myblog$ ls

                        app  doc      lib  public    README  test  vendor
                        config  db         Gemfile  log  Rakefile  script  tmp

        in the README file it contains the basic documentaion file
         student@student:~/myblog/app$ ls
         controllers  helpers  mailers  models  views

         controllers:The program files making up the application itself
                     Where you store all controllers  
              Models:Where you store all models  

               Views:Where you store all views

             Layouts:Where you store layouts to make "look and feel" uniform
                     Where Rails configuration is stored

         student@student:~/myblog$ cd config
         student@student:~/myblog/config$ ls

            application.rb  database.yml    environments  locales
            boot.rb         environment.rb  initializers  routes.rb

              Config: Info to connect to the database.

        student@student:~/myblog/config$ ls

            application.rb  database.yml    environments  locales
            boot.rb         environment.rb  initializers  routes.rb

        student@student:~/myblog/config$ cat routes.rb
              routes.rb :Determines the URL to access the application 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Essentials of Mysql

Essentials of MYSQL

MySQL is a relational database management system it runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is officially pronounced mai es que el ("My S-Q-L"), but is often also pronounced mai sequel  ("My Sequel"). It is named after developer Michael Widenius' daughter, My. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language.

Uses of Mysql

   It is lightweight than other databases
   It can perform more flexibility depend on their requirements
  We can configure the settings mysql to our own specifications

Installation of mysql

                     Three things we have to do install mysql

                       Install mysql-server,mysql-client,mysql-lib


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Practicing Ruby simple Exercise

//today i wrote the sample code of shopping details in ruby

for i in 1..2
puts "enter the item name"
puts "enter the no.of quantity"
puts "enter the price details $"

x=puts "the total price for the #{name} is #{price} and total billed today is #{total} thanks for nice day"
puts x

///sample code for railway reservation counter

class RailwayReservation

def enquiry
  puts "Welcome to the chennai railway station"
  puts "enter ur pnr number"

def reservation
   puts "enter the source and destination"
   puts "enter the number of persons to travel"

def calculation
puts "your Pnr number is #{@x}"
 @total= @z * 250
puts "the total fare for #{@z} persons is #{@total}"



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Learning Basic Mysql from scratch

today i learning the basics of mysql

just i creating the database

to creating the database in mysql

create database slashprog;

to see the databases after creating the database

show databases;
later we using this command:---  use slashprog;
create a table

like wise we can create "n" number of maximum tables in a database

to see what are all the tables inside our database

syntax:- show tables;

syntax:--- create table (tablename)

create  table students(name varchar(32),age int,address varchar(32));

insert values in table

syntax:--- insert into (tablename) values(xxx,25,yyyy);

to see the table structure command is

desc (tablename)

To see all the values in table

select * from (tablename)

To see all the values in the table

select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| smith    |   29 |  14564 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |

select only names to see the syntax below as follows :---

select name from students;
| name     |
| kiran    |
| sathia   |
| john     |
| jenefier |
| smith    |
| sachin   |

 to see the ages of above 26 in the database the command

select age from students where age >26;
| age  |
|   28 |
|   29 |
|   30 |

to show the maximum age of of the students

select MAX(age) from students;
| MAX(age) |
|       30 |

to sumup the fields of the salary of the table 
select SUM(salary) from students;
| SUM(salary) |
|       89019 |

to see the only few rows in the tables we can set limit to them

select name,age,salary from students LIMIT 3;
| name   | age  | salary |
| kiran  |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia |   26 |  10000 |
| john   |   28 |  14545 |

to know the average of the ages

select AVG(age) from students;
| AVG(age) |
|  27.3333 |
to count the number of entries in mysql

elect COUNT(age) from students;
| COUNT(age) |
|          6 |

to see the version of the mysql

mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 5.1.41    |

to see the time and date

mysql> select now();
| now()               |
| 2010-12-02 14:37:02 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Update command in mysql
update students SET salary=5000,age=26 WHERE name="smith";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| smith    |   26 |   5000 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |

mysql> delete from students where name="smith";
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |

Monday, November 29, 2010



to check the path of the ruby

which ruby

If you executing ruby from shell script

go to vi mode ......and then type the programme and save it in .rb  The file name should have extension of .rb and save it any where in !

vi trial.rb



If you executing ruby from normal mode

vi trial.rb (assume that we save in desktop or file system )

ruby trial.rb (to compile the ruby code)
comments in ruby    

single line comment

#This is the single line comment in ruby

multiple line comment


to start with multiple line comment we have to start ==begin from beggining and ==end from ending


declaring variables in ruby


parallel way of assigning variables in ruby

to know the what type of variables in ruby


to check whether it is integer/float/string

a.kind_of? Integer
b.kind_of? String
converting variables values

         y.to_s  #it converts to string
         y.to_f  #it converts to float

to convert the integer binary
              y.to_s(2)   #converts to binary base 2
              y.to_s(8)   #converts to base 8 (octal)
              y.to_s(16)  #converts to base 16(Hexa decimal)

variable scope in ruby

ruby has 5 types of variable scope in ruby

$ --global variable
@-- instance variable
a-z--local variable
A-Z-- constant variable
@@---class variable

to know the type of the variable in ruby

defined? ($x or @x or x or @@x)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ruby with mysql

sir told the difference between ruby using ordinary mysql
and Ruby using ORM(object Relational Mapping)

create a database called student

Ruby code to access the table rubyists (ORM using Ruby)

i wondered here sql function not using anywhere in this programme

Let's write a Ruby program and name it as db_connect.rb

    require 'rubygems' 
    require 'active_record' 
       :adapter => "mysql", 
    :host => "localhost", 
    :database => "students" 
    class Rubyist < ActiveRecord::Base 

     Rubyist.create(:name => 'Luc Juggery', :city => "Nashville, Tenessee") 
     Rubyist.create(:name => 'Sunil Kelkar', :city => "Pune, India") 
     Rubyist.create(:name => 'Adam Smith', :city => "San Fransisco, USA") 

Then sir also told the ordinary way of connecting this  programme through mysql


//started project in slashprog technologies //

monday---------------our sir introduces what are all the modules can be coming in our website

                     we started our ideas about our website details

                     who we are ...what we doing for website

                     in three ways we focus on our site

                      1) trainers side

                      2) client side

                      3) vendors side

tuesday-----------------we discussed what technology we going to be use a little argument whether we use jquery and Dojo

                        finally we decided with Dojo ...its an powerful opensource tool to develop javascript ajax based
                         applications Dojo advantage is it is compatible with all modern browsers it even work if javascript

                        not enabled in client side a developer we knowing of just html and javascript is enough
                         not to know new language ...

wednesday -------------
                        Our team members are 

                                            Yogesh kannan
                                            Rama chandran
                                            and me

we started learning little about ..Dojo just to create a button and checkbox .....we need to install Dojo

and extract zip/tar file and untar it .....we get the files as dojo,digit,dojox,util  these 4 files we save it in

js files so the path will be like this

under that js/digit

writing an application  is easy its simple and straight forward ......

just load the dojo library in javascript



we go through and play around some snippets of code in Dojo ..its fun and interesting we and our team members create some small small applications integrate and

finally created a login page and registration page for trainers module ..

we included the library stackcontainer in dojo to get the diaogue box and we created nearly 6 steps to register the trainers form


our Sir gave introduction about UI flow diagram we discusses what are all the tools to implement whether code ignitor or CakePHP !

sir said how to play with


we discussed how the home page of our website look like the features were we include and disable we discussed



saturday sir told what is mysql and how we  connect mysql to php and how to create simple database and

to start mysql

just type mysql; it will start mysql in any



//****Trainers Home Page ***//

1) client requirements matching his skill

2) calendar

3) Update Profile

4)(client/vendor rate )--confidential

5) visitors

6) news ---< 1) location
             2) whether

7)Training Statistics

8) Last minute update

9) Payment History *(Only trainer can view )

10)Share his experience


12)How to colloborate with other trainers ?

13) Approve Client request ---------< 1) through vendor
                                      2) Direct Client

14) Interact with Client/Vendor

              ----> Invoice
              ----> Training Prerequisites/resources
              ----> Feedback

Today we learning some basic exercises in ruby

#programme to find vowels in a file

vowels =%w[a e i o u]
count =0
open("a.txt","r").each do |line|
line.split(//).each do |character|
if vowels.include?character
count +=1
print "no of words #{count}"


Today i learning ruby myself practicing small exercises like how to declaring an array in ruby 

x.each{ |i| puts i }

 pop it deletes the last element in array

 to insert the elements from the beginning of the array

puts x

push to  insert the elements in the end of the array

puts x

Deletes the first element of the array

puts x