Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Learning Basic Mysql from scratch

today i learning the basics of mysql

just i creating the database

to creating the database in mysql

create database slashprog;

to see the databases after creating the database

show databases;
later we using this command:---  use slashprog;
create a table

like wise we can create "n" number of maximum tables in a database

to see what are all the tables inside our database

syntax:- show tables;

syntax:--- create table (tablename)

create  table students(name varchar(32),age int,address varchar(32));

insert values in table

syntax:--- insert into (tablename) values(xxx,25,yyyy);

to see the table structure command is

desc (tablename)

To see all the values in table

select * from (tablename)

To see all the values in the table

select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| smith    |   29 |  14564 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |

select only names to see the syntax below as follows :---

select name from students;
| name     |
| kiran    |
| sathia   |
| john     |
| jenefier |
| smith    |
| sachin   |

 to see the ages of above 26 in the database the command

select age from students where age >26;
| age  |
|   28 |
|   29 |
|   30 |

to show the maximum age of of the students

select MAX(age) from students;
| MAX(age) |
|       30 |

to sumup the fields of the salary of the table 
select SUM(salary) from students;
| SUM(salary) |
|       89019 |

to see the only few rows in the tables we can set limit to them

select name,age,salary from students LIMIT 3;
| name   | age  | salary |
| kiran  |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia |   26 |  10000 |
| john   |   28 |  14545 |

to know the average of the ages

select AVG(age) from students;
| AVG(age) |
|  27.3333 |
to count the number of entries in mysql

elect COUNT(age) from students;
| COUNT(age) |
|          6 |

to see the version of the mysql

mysql> select version();
| version() |
| 5.1.41    |

to see the time and date

mysql> select now();
| now()               |
| 2010-12-02 14:37:02 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Update command in mysql
update students SET salary=5000,age=26 WHERE name="smith";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| smith    |   26 |   5000 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |

mysql> delete from students where name="smith";
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from students;
| name     | age  | salary |
| kiran    |   25 |  25000 |
| sathia   |   26 |  10000 |
| john     |   28 |  14545 |
| jenefier |   26 |  12454 |
| sachin   |   30 |  12456 |